Research Experience
- Gallery of Theorems, Spring 2024
- Aim: Represent mathematical concepts using artistic mediums
- Further developed Numberscope visualizer to increase functionality
- Advisor: Professor Sarah Peterson
- Independent Study - Parameterizations of Descartes Quadruples, Fall 2023
- CU Boulder REU - Apollonian Circle Packings, Summer 2023
- Honors Independent Study - Elliptic Curves, Spring 2023
- Reading course over Rational Points on Elliptic Curves, Silverman & Tate
- Advisor: Professor David Grant
- Numberscope - Research Assistant & Developer, Fall 2022
- Programmed visualizer that represents Collatz length of the values of a user-selected sequence from the OEIS using a scaled color gradient and a modular-controlled array.
- Developed the Numberscope website to provide and improve user experience.
- A collage I made using screenshots of my visualizer won the 2023 CU Arts & Sciences art contest!
- Advisor: Professor Kate Stange
- Independent Study - Quadratic Reciprocity, Fall 2021
- Reading course over An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers, Niven, Zuckerman, & Montgomery
- Final presentation slides
- Advisor: Professor Paul Hagelstein